不知道从什么时候开始,内娱追星女孩们流行玩一个梗,就是用动物为男明星的颜值分类,比如猴系、犬系、鼠系,狐狸系,马系...... 最近这股风也刮到了外网,谁能想到,最流行的竟然是“鼠系帅哥”(hot rodent men)......快来看看,老外眼中的“老鼠相”男星究竟都有谁?

In the Chinese zodiac, 2024 is the year of the dragon. To the internet, it is the year of the rat. 在中国生肖中,2024 年是龙年。对于互联网来说,这一年是鼠年。 It began, seemingly, with a few innocuous social media posts comparing Mike Faist, co-star of the titillating tennis throuple film “Challengers,” to adormouse. 事情的起因似乎只是几条无伤大雅的社交媒体帖子,将火辣网球三人恋电影《挑战者》的联合主演迈克·费斯特比作睡鼠。

▲迈克·费斯特(Mike Faist),1992年1月5日出生于俄亥俄州加哈纳,演员、歌手。代表作品有《西区故事》。在知名百老汇音乐剧《致埃文·汉森》中扮演康纳·墨菲(Connor Murphy),借此入围托尼奖最佳音乐剧男演员。 Soon, the complexity of the analogy snowballed to odd levels of specificity: He’s a field mouse. No, he’s a cartoon mouse. No, he’s Despereaux (the dumbo-eared mouse from the 2008 animated film “The Tale of Despereaux”). 很快,这个比喻的延伸含义就像滚雪球一样越滚越大,变得越来越具体:他是一只田鼠。不,他是一只卡通老鼠。不,他是德佩罗(2008 年动画电影《浪漫德佩罗鼠》中的大耳朵老鼠)。 No, he’s Stuart Little, if Stuart Little was hot. He was “like if a sleepy cartoon mouse came to life and then got really into cross fit,”wrote journalist Lucy Ford on X. 不,他是《精灵鼠小弟》里的斯图尔特·利特,如果斯图尔特·利特很性感的话。记者露西·福特在《X》杂志上写道:“他就像一只嗜睡的卡通小老鼠活了过来,然后又非常喜欢健身。”

And it wasn’t long until fans on social media began examining the facial features of other male celebrities for similar signs ofrodentlikeness — Faist’s “Challengers” co-star Josh O’Connor, for example. Barry Keoghan. Timothée Chalamet. Jeremy Allen White. Glen Powell. This list goes on. 没过多久,社交媒体上的粉丝们就开始研究其他男明星的面部特征,寻找与啮齿动物相似的痕迹——比如费斯特的《挑战者》搭档乔什·奥康纳。巴里·基奥汉、提莫西·查拉梅、杰里米·艾伦·怀特、格伦·鲍威尔这样的例子不胜枚举。 Fromchinchillastocapybaras,the rodent comparisons sped across social media like a runaway wheel of cheese, warping the image (and perhaps the confidence) of many popular, young white male celebrities in its path. “从龙猫到水豚,这种将男明星与啮齿动物作比较的潮流像滚动的奶酪滚轮一样风靡网络,扭曲了许多年轻白人男星的形象(或许也影响了他们的自信心)。” 鼠系帅哥一览

▲乔什·奥康纳(Josh O'Connor),1990年5月20日出生于英国。2019年,在历史剧《王冠第三季》中饰演查尔斯王子,并凭借该剧提名第67届英国电视学院奖最佳男配角。

▲巴里·基奥汉(Barry Keoghan),1992年10月17日出生于爱尔兰都柏林。代表作有:《敦刻尔克》、《圣鹿之死》、《美国动物》、《切尔诺贝利》。

▲提莫西·查拉梅(Timothée Chalamet),1995年12月27日出生于美国,2018年凭借爱情电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》提名奥斯卡最佳男主角。代表作还包括:《小妇人》、《沙丘》等。

▲杰瑞米·艾伦·怀特(Jeremy Allen White),1991年2月18日出生于美国。代表作有:《无耻之徒》、《熊家餐馆》等。

▲格伦·鲍威尔(Glen Powell),1988年10月21日出生于美国,曾出演《敢死队3》、《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》等。

How do these men — heartthrobs of the moment, even — feel about being categorized as “hot rodents” 对于被归类为“鼠系帅哥”,这些当红男星作何感想? Powell, who was first likened to a rodent back in 2023, has gamely praised the ingenuity of the chronically online. “This is why the internet’s a great place,” he told Jimmy Fallon last December. “I really kind of own the capybara thing now. I am the capybara.” 鲍威尔早在 2023 年就首次被比作啮齿类动物,他对网友冲浪的聪明才智大加赞赏。去年 12 月,他对吉米·法伦说:“这就是为什么互联网是个好地方。我现在真的有点拥有水豚的特质了。我就是水豚。”

But more broadly, the informal sampling ofaverage Joes— or should that be average Jerrys — CNN reached for comment largely didn’t mind being dubbedratty. 总的来说,CNN采访的普通民众(或许更应该称为普通“鼠系”男人?)对于被戏称为“鼠系颜值”,大多表示无所谓。 Surveyed in a Whatsapp friend group, one 20-something admitted hearing the term would “hurt,” while another said he would be happy to embrace “hot rat summer.” A third man polled sharedthat despite an initial knee jerk reaction, he understood that “rodent men are very hot right now” and so would probably be “flattered.” 在一个 Whatsapp 好友群组中进行的调查显示,一名 20 多岁的年轻人承认听到这个词会 “很受伤”,而另一名年轻人则表示他很乐意接受“炎热的鼠夏”。第三位接受调查的男士表示,尽管一开始会有不适,但他明白“鼠系男人现在很火”,因此可能会“受宠若惊”。

For some, the question goes beyond the hypothetical. One had already been called a “rat boy” by his current girlfriend. “She’s still with me,” he wrote. “So I’ve taken it well.” 对一些人来说,这个问题超出了假设的范围。其中一位已经被他的现任女友称为“鼠男”。他写道,“她还和我在一起,所以我接受得还不错。” Similarly, Gustav, a 22-year-old X user, has also been compared to a mouse. (Stuart Little, to be precise — just like Faist.) “I’d say I mostly found the comment amusing,” he told CNN via X. “It was clearly not meant as an insult and even though some people would take it as an insult, I mostly felt it was a way of saying that I was cute.” 同样,22 岁的 X 用户古斯塔夫也曾被比作老鼠。准确地说,是斯图尔特·利特——就像费斯特一样)。“我想说,我主要是觉得这种评论很有趣,”他通过 X 告诉 CNN,“这显然不是一种侮辱,尽管有些人会把它当成一种侮辱,但我主要觉得它是在说我很可爱。”

为了安慰为称为“鼠系男”的男同胞们, CNN甚至搬出了中国的十二生肖: While by no means exhaustive, these responses suggest men feel mostly fine with the “hot rodent” trend. But if any male celebrity is struggling with the break-neck transition from traditionaldreamboatto furrypin-up, perhaps the Chinese zodiac — which believes rats to be among the most intelligent, popular and charming animals of the 12-year cycle — can be some comfort, after all. 虽然这个调查并不全面,但这些回应表明男性对“鼠系男”这一流行趋势大多持无所谓的态度。但是,如果任何一位男明星正为从传统的梦中情人转变成毛发旺盛的性感海报男郎而感到困扰的话,中国生肖也许能带来一些安慰。在中国生肖中,老鼠被认为是十二生肖中最聪明、最受欢迎、最有魅力的动物之一。 BUT!在中国文化中,鼠的形象可不光彩,几乎找不到一个褒扬老鼠的正面成语,我们能想到的都是:鼠目寸光、胆小如鼠、贼眉鼠眼、过街老鼠、抱头鼠窜...... 问题来了,你能get“鼠系帅哥”的魅力吗? 今日词汇 Wasp dormouse/ dmas / n.睡鼠, (欧洲)冬眠鼠 rodent/ rd()nt / n.啮齿动物 chinchillas/ tntlz / n.毛丝鼠,又名南美栗鼠、绒毛鼠、龙猫 capybaras/ kpibɑr / n.水豚,也就是现在网上非常火的“卡皮巴拉” average Joes普通人 ratty/ rti / adj.像老鼠的;破烂的,邋遢的 flattered/ fltd / adj.感到荣幸的 Chinese zodiac十二生肖 dreamboat梦中情人 pin-up海报上的性感男女 免费领取口语礼包 1V1定制口语提升方案0元获取

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